Fine Art Prints

Fine Art Prints

This section includes a serie of mixedmedia artworks inspired by ancient cultures elements, natural ecosystem aesthetics and linguistic evolution.

‘Orama’ & ‘Island of Pun’

Fine art prints on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag cotton paper.

Every artwork comes with the full set of physical drafts used for the final compositional procedure.

Click on one image below to browse the artworks.


Exhibited in St.Art Amsterdam Galelry – Kinkerstraat 2, 1053 LV Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Workshop & Mini Solo Show

On view ‘Orama’ 42 x 30 cm – 16.5″ x 11.8″  Mixedmedia, ‘Orama Project, 2023’ Sold out.

“According to the ancient Greek philosophy of Plato, human State (the polis) is an extraordinary instrument and manifestation of mediation between ideas and human reality.

Indeed, to be precise, the point of connection is the soul of the philosopher, he asserts, considered as a telescope pointed at the cosmos of ideas from where he/she is able to draw rules and ideas to apply to contingent events to mark the entry of *Good, (be careful to write it with two o ) into history.

In this way, human world is not dissimilar from the natural one, in which the supreme idea of ​​’Good’ falls through the mediation of the geometric and mathematical order, in the material dimension.”

Through these projects, I developed different works to give voice to my naturalistic vision of the world.

Audience and collectors seemed to be immediately fascinated by these compositions and project’s developement, so I decided to put togheter all the contents I structured for them hoping to give a new and contemporary vision of such complex and archaic concepts.

A naturalistic vision of the world is an idea itself, of a universal dimension, investigated within a personal perception.”

Alberto Ballocca